With our 25m pool, full-sized flood-lit soccer field, beach, lagoon and sea, and two full-sized sports halls, we can cater for almost any sports or speciality tour including rugby, soccer, water-polo, swimming, hockey, cricket, rowing and surfing. We also have a theatre and extensive arts complex for arts, crafts and other speciality tours.


Our top-notch equipment, stunning facilities and enviable location provide the ideal environment for sports and speciality tours. Bring your team for an intensive training camp in your chosen field, while giving them the opportunity to cross train and learn new skills in an exciting environment:


  • Perfect balance skills through activities such as Surfing, High ropes, BMXing and Crate-Building

  • Core muscles are strengthened and developed in most activities including Stand Up Paddle Boarding,  Bosu balls,  mechanical Surfboard and Skating

  • Hand-eye co-ordination is improved through the paint ball course, ball games and wall-climbing

  • Physical stamina underlines every activity, particularly Surf-swimming, Beach Actvities, Obstacle Course and long-distance Kayaking

  • Upper Body Strength training is achieved in classes such as Kayaking, Stand-up Paddling and Wall-climbing

  • Fine motor skills are developed through Bead-Work, Sand Sculptures and various Art classes

  • Increase Lower body strength in BMXing, Snorkeling, Field Sports, Jogging and Hiking

  • Increased flexibility is achieved through Swimming, Yoga, Climbing and Dance Classes

  • Mental stamina underlines all our challenging Evening Activities and Teambuilding tasks


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