The mobility of men and material by air is called air transport. It is the fastest means of transport. It is very useful for long distances and saves time.

The Parliament passed the Air Transport Corporation Act in 1953 under which the Indian Airlines Corporation was to run domestic services and Air India is to run external services.

Vayudoot and Pawan Hans are the two airlines added to civil aviation recently. Vayudoot operates in remote stations not covered by Indian Airlines. Pawan Hans provides helicopter services to remote places. In 1972, International Airport Authority of India (IAAI) was established and in 1986 National Airport Authority of India (NAAI) was installe

1. High Speed:

It is the fast speed means of transport. Passengers and goods can be transported easily from one place to the other.

2. Minimum Cost:

Unlike railways and road transport, there is no need to spend money on the construction of any track or road, only airports have to be constructed.

3. Strategic Importance:

An airway has great strategic importance. It can be used for internal and external security,

4. Easy transport of costly and light goods:

It is quite convenient to send costly, light and perishable goods through air transport.

5. Free from physical barriers:

Air transport is free from physical barriers like river, mountains and valleys etc.

6. Useful for Agriculture:

Air transport is useful for aerial spray on pests and insects which cause harm to crops.

7. Useful in natural calamities:

During earth quake, flood, accidents and famine air transport is used for rescue operations

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